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The Queen's Daily News Volume 2, April 1945 - June 1945

 File — Box: AR00037, Folder: 35

Scope and Contents

This folder contains ten issues of the daily newsletter, “The Queen’s Daily News” from January to April 1945. Notable headlines among these daily newsletters include “Red Army Nears Berlin”, “Manila Liberated”, “Allies Cut Germany In Two”, and “Red Army At Gates of Berlin”. Comic strips from notable series such as Male Call, Li’L Abner, Joe Palooka, Mickey Finn, Donald Duck, Dick Tracy, Terry, Blondie, Red Ryder, Alley Oop, The Wolf, Out Our Way, Side Glances, and Believe It or Not are featured in many of these daily newsletters.


  • Creation: April 1945 - June 1945


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 0.2 Linear Feet (Six legal-size folders)

Language of Materials


Repository Details

Part of the Center for Pacific War Studies / National Museum of the Pacific War Repository

328 E. Austin St.
Fredericksburg Texas 78624 United States of America